\version "2.10.11" \header { title = "284. Garden Hymn. 8,8,6." source = "The Sacred Harp (1991 Denson edition)" composer = "Supplement to the Kentucky Harmony, 1826" tagline = \markup { \fill-line { "Copyright 2007, Reactor Core Hymn Repository" \with-url #"http://hymns.reactor-core.org/" "http://hymns.reactor-core.org/" } } } %sacredHarpHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa #f la fa #f la mi) %sacredHarpHeads = \set shapeNoteStyles = ##(la mi fa #f la fa #f) #(set-global-staff-size 16) #(set-default-paper-size "letter") \paper { pagenumber = "yes" linewidth = 120\mm indent = 0\mm } global = { \key g \major \time 6/4 \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f } soprano = \relative g' { \sacredHarpHeads \set autoBeaming = ##f g2. d'2 d4 | d (c) b a2 g4 | a2. b | g2 g4 b2 a4 | b (c) d e2. | g d2 e4 | d (c) b a2. |b g2 g4 | d' (b) a b2.~ | b \repeat volta 2 { g \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0 4) | b2 b4 b2 g4 | b2 d4 d2. | b2. d2 e4 | b2 a4 b (c) d | e2. g | d2 e4 d (c) b | a2. b | g2 g4 d' (b) d } \alternative { { d2. \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0 4) } { d1. } } } alto = \relative g' { \sacredHarpHeads \set autoBeaming = ##f d2 (e4) g2 g4 | g (a) b d2 4 | d2. e2 (d4) | b2 b4 g2 a4 | b (a) g e2. | d2 (e4) g2 g4 | g (a) b d2. | e2 (d4) b2 b4 a (g) a g2.~ | g \repeat volta 2 { d' \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0 4) | e2 e4 e2 d4 | e2 g4 g2. | g2 (e4) d2 b4 | g2 a4 b (a) g | e2. d2 (e4) | g2 g4 g (a) b | d2. e2 (d4) | b2 b4 a (g) a } \alternative { { g2. \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0 4) } { g1. } } } bass = \relative f { \sacredHarpHeads \set autoBeaming = ##f g2. d2 d4 | g (fis) e d2 g4 | d2. e2 (d4) | b2 e4 d2 e4 | g (a) b e,2. | g b2 b4 | b (a) g d2. | e2 (d4) b2 b4 | d2 d4 g2.~ | g \repeat volta 2 { g \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0 4) | e2 e4 e2 b4 | e2 d4 g2. | b g2 b4 | e,2 d4 g (a) b | e,2. g | b2 b4 b (a) g | d2. e2 (d4) | b2 b4 d2 d4 } \alternative { { g2. \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0 4) } { g1. } } } sopwords = << \lyricsto "sopvox" \context Lyrics = a { \set stanza = "1. " The Lord in -- to His gar -- den comes, The spic -- es yield a rich per -- fume, The lil -- ies grow and thrive, The lil -- ies grow and thrive; Re -- fresh -- ing show'rs of grace di -- vine, From Je -- sus flow to ev -- 'ry vine, And make the dead re -- vive, And make the dead re -- vive. } >> altwords = << \lyricsto "altvox" \context Lyrics = c { \set stanza = "2. " Come, breth -- ren, you who love the Lord, Who taste the sweet -- ness of His word, In Je -- sus' word go on, In Je -- sus' word go on; Our trou -- bles and our tri -- als here Will on -- ly make us rich -- er there When we ar -- rive at home, When we ar -- rive at home. } >> \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \global \clef treble \new Voice = "sopvox" \soprano \new Lyrics \sopwords >> \new Staff << \global \clef treble \new Voice = "altvox" \alto \new Lyrics \lyricsto "altvox" \altwords >> \new Staff << \global \clef bass \bass >> >> \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" \override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t } \context { \ChoirStaff \accepts "Lyrics" } \context { \Lyrics \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.2 \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT \consists "Bar_engraver" \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver" \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t } } } \score { << \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef treble \transpose g' g'' \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \soprano } } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef treble \transpose g' g'' \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \soprano } } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef treble \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \soprano } } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef treble \transpose g' g'' \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \alto } } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef treble \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \alto } } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef treble \transpose g' g \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \alto } } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef bass \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \bass } } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef bass \transpose f f, \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \bass } } \new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"church organ" \global \clef bass \transpose f f, \repeat unfold 2 \unfoldRepeats { \bass } } >> \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 144 4) } } }