\version "2.11.32" \header { title = "161. In the Garden" poet = "C. Austin Miles" composer = "C. Austin Miles" arranger = "" translator = "" tagline = \markup { \fill-line { "License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5" "Reactor Core Hymn Repository" \with-url #"http://hymns.reactor-core.org/" "http://hymns.reactor-core.org/" } } source = "Church of God International, Blue Hymnal" } #(set-global-staff-size 14) #(set-default-paper-size "letter" 'portrait) \paper { pagenumber = no linewidth = 120\mm indent = 0\mm } global = { \key f \minor \time 6/8 \set Staff.printPartCombineTexts = ##f } sopranointro = \relative g' { ees8 | ees c des ees aes bes | c2 } soprano = \relative g' { \context Voice = melody { \partial 8 ees8 | ees c des ees aes bes | c2 bes8 aes | aes4 aes8 bes aes f | aes4. ees4 g16 aes | bes4 bes8 g4 f16 g | aes4 bes8 c4 c8 | bes4 c8 bes4 aes8 | g4 (aes8) \tempo 4=17 bes\fermata } \context Voice = refrain { \tempo 4=79 \bar "||" c8. bes16 | aes4 aes8 aes g f g4 g8 g4 ees16 ees | des'4 des8 des c b | c4. ~ c4 aes16 bes | c4 c8 bes8 bes g | aes4 aes8 \tempo 4=37 aes4\fermata \tempo 4=79 f8 | ees16 aes8. aes8 g16 bes8. ~ bes8 | aes4. ~ aes4 \bar "|." } } sopranoamen = \relative g' { } altointro = \relative g' { c,8 | c aes bes c ees ees | ees2 } alto = \relative g' { c,8 | c aes bes c ees ees | ees2 ees8 ges | f4 f8 f f des | c4. c4 des16 des | des4 des8 des4 des16 ees | ees4 ees8 ees4 ees8 | d4 d8 d4 d8 | ees4. ees8 | des8. des16 | c4 c8 c c c | des4 des8 des4 des16 des | f4 f8 f ees d | ees4. ~ ees4 c16 des | ees4 ees8 e e e | f4 ges8 f4 des8 | c16 c8. c8 des16 des8. ~ des8 | c4. ~ c4 } altoamen = \relative g' { } tenorintro = \relative f { aes8 | aes ees ees aes aes g | aes2 } tenor = \relative f { aes8 | aes ees ees aes aes g | aes2 g8 aes | aes4 aes8 des des aes | aes4. aes4 bes16 f | g4 g8 bes4 aes16 bes | aes4 g8 aes4 aes8 | aes4 aes8 g4 bes8 | bes4 (c8) des8 | g,8. g16 | ees4 ees8 ees ees ees | ees4 es8 g4 g16 g | g4 g8 g g g | aes4. ~ aes4 aes16 aes | aes4 aes8 g g c | c4 c8 des4 aes8 | aes16 aes8. aes8 bes16 g8. ~ g8 | aes4. ~ aes4 } tenoramen = \relative f { } bassintro = \relative f { aes,8 | aes aes aes aes c ees | aes,2 } bass = \relative f { aes,8 | aes aes aes aes c ees | aes,2 bes8 c | des4 des8 des des des | aes4. aes4 ees'16 ees | ees4 ees8 ees4 ees16 des | c4 ees8 aes,4 aes8 | bes4 bes8 bes4 bes8 | ees4. ees8 | ees8. ees16 | aes,4 aes8 aes aes aes | bes4 bes8 ees4 ees16 ees | ees4 ees8 ees ees ees | aes,4. ~ aes4 aes16 aes | aes4 aes8 c c c | f4 ees8 des4 des8 | ees16 ees8. ees8 ees16 ees8. ~ ees8 | aes,4. ~ aes4 } bassamen = \relative f { } Words = << \lyricsto "melody" \context Lyrics = a { \set stanza = "1. " I come to the gar -- den a -- lone, while the dew is still on the ros -- es, and the voice I hear fall -- ing on my ear, The Son of God dis -- clos -- es. } \lyricsto "melody" \context Lyrics = b { \set stanza = "2. " He speaks, and the sound of His voice is so sweet the birds hush their sing -- ing, and the mel -- o -- dy that He gave to me with -- in my heart is ring -- ing. } \lyricsto "melody" \context Lyrics = c { \set stanza = "3. " I'd stay in the gar -- den with Him tho' the night a -- round me be fall -- ing, but He bids me go thru the voice of woe; His voice to me is call -- ing. } \lyricsto "refrain" \context Lyrics = d { And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own, and the joy we share as we tar -- ry there none oth -- er has ev -- er known. } >> \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \new Voice = sopvox { \voiceOne \global \clef treble \transpose c c { \soprano \sopranoamen } } \new Voice = altvox { \voiceTwo \transpose c c { \alto \altoamen } } >> \new Lyrics \Words \new Staff << \new Voice = tnrvox { \voiceOne \global \clef bass \transpose c c { \tenor \tenoramen } } \new Voice = bssvox { \voiceTwo \transpose c c { \bass \bassamen } } >> >> \layout { \context { \Score \override MetronomeMark #'transparent = ##t } \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } \context { \ChoirStaff \accepts "Lyrics" } \context { \Lyrics \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.2 \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT \consists "Bar_engraver" \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver" \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t } } }